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Louis G’s Artisanal Olives

We were requested to create the brand from scratch. This included the CI and the packaging.

LouisG’s Olives have been curing Olives since 1988 and is true home industry.

They are 100% Artisanal and they produce limited batches once a year.

Rally Dog

We were requested by Rally Dog SA to create a CI from scratch as well as deliver their marketing and branding material and their FB page.

Rally Obedience (also known as Rally or Rally-O) is a dog sport based on Obedience. Unlike regular Obedience, instead of waiting for the judge’s orders, the competitors proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position.

Cape Handlers Dog Club

We were briefed to re-purpose their CI as well as deliver a web and mobi site.

Cape Handlers Dog Club, formed in 1987, is a KUSA affiliated dog club specialising in various training disciplines for all breeds of dog.